Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Exchanges, Bus Contacting, Changes & Another Great Week...

Hey everybody! Things are going great here still and I'm loving it! We had exchanges this week, which are always super fun! 

Wednesday- we had district council in the morning and there was also a conference going on for all the senior couples in the mission so we had lunch with them after our meeting. That night we had English connect and it was great! One of the guys that comes is from Brazil and he brought this drink for us to try. It tasted like warm grass but it was fun to try! There was a new guy that showed up to the class and then came to church on Sunday! After English connect we went home with the zone leaders and started our exchange.

Thursday- I started off the day with Elder Bluth, we bused downtown and did some street contacting. We talked to one lady who didn't speak much English. She whipped out her phone and called someone and handed me the phone. I was really confused at first, but it was a translator so we were able to invite her to English class. After lunch Elder Bluth and Elder Martinez and I went to a lesson with Nathan who is a recent convert. We talked about the For The Strength of Youth pamphlet and it went well, then we bused back for dinner. It was during rush hour, so a 30 minute bus ride turned into 1 1/2 hours. It was a good time to bus contact though, so it wasn't too bad. That night Elder Groneman, Elder D'eon and I went to sports night for basketball. We had a really good turn out this time, so we had a few different teams going. It was a fun night! 

Friday- we got up and finished up our exchange with the zone leaders and then went home to our apartment. We spent awhile doing our studies and planning and then went to the radio station to follow up with this guy we met. He was busy doing an interview, so we weren't able to talk much. That night we had institute and we studied the book of Acts.

Saturday - we did a Plan of Salvation booth downtown. It was a lot of fun! Booths always bring out some crazy people! Elder D'eon and I talked to a cool guy and were able to teach him the restoration for a solid 20 minutes. Later we dropped off a triple combination to a lady that responded to a Bible ad. We were pumped because she seemed super elect. When we dropped it off we realized that lady is already being taught by the sisters. It was pretty funny! In the evening we went and played basketball at another church with a guy we met on the bus and a bunch of other guys.

Sunday- we were pretty much at church and meetings all day. We had an area coordination and now we are just covering the YSA ward. We had a musical fireside in Dartmouth with Wayne Burton who does a lot of church music. We sang a song called "The Living Christ". The fireside was awesome! 

Monday- the highlight of the day was when we went to the library and did some digital finding. There was a bunch of guys in their 20s playing minecraft and they were super intense and were saying a bunch of funny stuff. I cried from laughing so hard. We did some street contacting in the rain and then had dinner with Joan. After that we had a great lesson with Kudzai where he taught us the restoration. He is doing great and wants to go to the temple! We finished the night with chair soccer for FHE.

This transfer is flying by and is only going to get busier! We've got more exchanges this week that should be a blast! Have a great week everyone! 

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Creative Finding, Choir Practice, Where’s the Sun??

Has anybody seen the sun? I haven't seen it in a few weeks and I'm starting to get worried that it might be lost! Haha it rained a lot this week but we still had a good week!

Wednesday- we drove way out to the middle of nowhere to help a guy we are teaching move. He lives by the church now so it will be easier to meet with him. Then we had district council and then a dinner appointment with a couple that are big NBA fans so we got playoff updates. That night we had English connect and taught how to describe family members.

Thursday- we spent the day doing a lot of service at the food bank and then doing our studies and calling people from our area Book. Then we went to sports night and played basketball.

Friday- we did all of our planning and studies and then went downtown and street contacted to dinner. Joan took us to Your Father's Mustache! We went to wash our hands before we ate and had a good laugh at the bathroom wall Haha! After dinner we bused to the church for correlation. I was pumped to ride the bus again but right when it pulled up I realized I made the rookie mistake of leaving my bus pass at the apartment so I had to buy a ticket. After the meeting we just street contacted the rest of the night.

Saturday- in the morning we used the media room in our apartment for wifi and did some digital finding. While we were there another guy came in and turned on the TV and was watching golf. So we watched and talked with him for a bit. We did some street contacting and accidentally went way over time but it was good because there were tons of people to talk to! That night we had an awesome church tour with a guy from the bus. He asked a lot of good questions and was really interested. He's going home to Bangladesh for a month, but we are going to start teaching him when he gets back!

Sunday- we spent most of the day at church and then singing practice. This time we had a member who is a legit choir director come and lead us and it was really good! It's amazing what a good choir director can do! Later we did service at the Sunday supper and then on our way home we saw a couple guys playing basketball so we went and talked with them and shot around. They are going to come to English connect and Thursday night sports. Basketball is a great missionary tool!

Monday- we had a lot of time to go finding today which was fun, we also had a lesson with a returning member and talked about forgiveness and then met with Kudzai before FHE and went over the restoration in basketball form. Next week he's going to teach us. For FHE we played volleyball. The talent was low, but the fun was high!

That's all for now! Our mission is trying to do more creative finding so we are going to try new things to find people to teach. It's going to be fun! Have a great week!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Transfer Week, Seeing old Friends, Hard to say goodbye...

Hey everyone! Transfers are here again! It has been a great few months. Elder Strong is getting transferred to New Brunswick and I am kind of staying here. I will be moving across the city to a new apartment and I'll be in a trio. We will cover the family ward and YSA. It should be really fun!

Wednesday- We had district council in the morning and then practiced singing for a musical fireside we are doing at the end of the month. That night we went to the English class all of the missionaries in Halifax are doing at the church. Our job is basically to sit by a person and help them along during the class with pronunciation and the activities we do. One guy we met street contacting a few weeks ago came! His name is Shun, it was crazy that he came for the first time that night because it was also our first time going.

Thursday- We did a few hours of service at the food bank again and had some fun sorting moldy bread. The rest of the day we spent street contacting and also met with Shun and helped him with some English and also taught him a little about God. 

Friday- Today was a really nice day so we decided to go finding down on the boardwalk. There were people everywhere but none of them were very excited to stop and chat. Eventually we made our way to the ferry and took a ride on it. I met a really cool couple from China on the ride. Then we went home and did weekly planning and then did bus contacting for the rest of the night, I met this kid who knew every fact about the buses and was telling me all about them, he even had the robot voice that announces the stops down perfectly, I was impressed.  

Saturday- We did some bus contacting while it rained all morning and I talked to one of the first guys I ever met on the bus. We reminisced about the our first time meeting, he's still not interested in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ though. Maybe next time. Later we went to the church to do some digital finding and there was a party going on. One of the members invited us in and we ate some food and talked to some people. That night we bused around some more.

Sunday- We had church and Kudzai got up and bore a great testimony, it was awesome! After church we practiced our song for the fireside and then bused home. I sat next to this older man that I've talked to before and had a great conversation. He got off with us and asked to take our picture because we looked so "smart" with our suits on. So he took some pics of us and said he will print them off and give them to us next time he sees us. Later we helped out at the soup kitchen. For dinner we made alfredo and bacon and then put the alfredo in the bacon grease. It was amazing, maybe not healthy, but really good! 

Monday- We were supposed to have a lesson in the morning at the library, but the guy didn't come, so we just street contacted and then went home for studies, lunch and our apartment inspection. In the afternoon we had a really crazy experience, every morning we pray that we will be guided where we need to be and we definitely were. We were in the right place at the right time and ran into this guy we'd talked to before. We were able to sit down and just talk, if we hadn't run  into him when we did it could have been a really sad day. We ended with some hugs and then ran to dinner with Joan. We had dinner and then got ice cream and went to the church for a lesson with Kudzai. He has had all of the lessons taught to him since his baptism so now we are having him teach us. He did a great job! Then we watched the YSA devotional for FHE. 

Tuesday- We had a member lesson in the morning and then we went street contacting for most of the day. We got wrecked. We talked to a lot of people, the only problem was most of them didn't talk back. We bused around for the night and got to ride our favorite bus driver's bus, it was emotional when Elder Strong had to say goodbye to him. 

It was a good week here! I'm really excited to be in a trio this is gonna be a fun transfer! This week I really gained a testimony that Heavenly Father will guide us exactly where we need to be if we pray for his guidance and then act. Have a great week everyone!

Love, Elder Tait

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Finding, gallons of water, District pday...

Hey everyone! I don't have much time today cause we got to have a district p-day today! We played ball hockey for awhile and Pres Low came. That man is a wizard on the sticks. Then we came to the church and I played 1 on 1 basketball vs Elder Olsen for a while. Our series tied 3-3 until next time. You know that feeling you get when you've been ballin' all day, you're super tired and haven't really had anything to eat but you still gotta ball? I got that feeling again today, I've missed this.

This week was another good one, we did lots of finding again and met some cool people. People have been responding to our messages lately so we are living the dream right now. Good stuff! My water bottle got lost, so I switched over to a milk jug instead so we drank a lot of water this week (a gallon a day each) so we had some fun times trying to get to a bathroom while finding.

I've gotta go but I'll leave you with a good quote from someone we met this week- "I was thinking of being baptized but ain't nobody sprinkling Holy water on me... Naw no way not for Dewayne"

I love you all hope you have a great week!

Love, Elder Tait