Sunday, May 31, 2020

Mission Report - Zoom Fireside tonight

Hello everyone!! Elder Tait is home and doing well. Since there are no meetings at the church right now, we will be hearing a little bit about his mission tonight, at a fireside via zoom. The information is below if you'd like to join. Have a wonderful sabbath day. ❤️

Elder Conner Tait, who recently returned from his mission in Montreal, Canada, will be speaking to our ward via web conference tonight!!  Sunday, May 31st at 7:00 PM

We are excited to feel the Spirit as he shares some of his experiences in the mission field and his testimony with us. We invite everyone to join us for a wonderful evening focused on the Savior.

This meeting will be held under the direction of Bishop Osborne and should last around 30 minutes. You can join the devotional via Zoom web conference using the following information:

Meeting ID: 759 3290 8768
Password: 8vbJLm

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Hi everyone! I've been sitting here thinking about what to write, but it's really hard. It's hard to sum up 2 years of a mission in an email. My mission means everything to me. Over these last 21 months I've learned and grown more than ever before. Very early on I was pushed over my limits. My limit of work I could handle, the emotions, the knowledge I needed but didn't have. It was all too much for me. And it was probably one of the first times in my life where I didn't feel like I could do things myself. But, when I was pushed to and past my limits I had no choice but to rely on God. As that has happened, so many things have changed and I have experienced for myself the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His grace. I could go on for awhile, but in short, my mission has changed me forever and I'm so grateful for that! The progression of my ramen mirrors the progression of myself throughout my mission. In my first area I just microwaved the ramen and ate it. In my second area I started adding in some frozen vegetables when I boiled the noodles. When I got to my third area, I started putting an egg in with my ramen. And since I've been here, we've started using the ramen to create a stir fry with fresh vegetables and some meat. I didn't plan it like that, but that's how it happened haha. I'm eternally grateful for the many blessings I have in my life. The people I've met on my mission, all of you back home and so many other things and so many great experiences. I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. God is good and life is too! I Love you all! See ya soon! Love Elder Tait

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Teaching with technology, Traveling the zone...

Hello everybody! The work is picking up here! We are learning how to better find and teach using technology and it's going well! This week we put out a Bible ad on Facebook and so far we've had 35 people respond! It's been really cool because the people have been from all around the zone so we've been able to send referrals to all the different teams in the zone! We've been able to teach a couple of the people so far so it's been really good! 
On Saturday we took a trip around the zone and dropped supplies off to the different teams, it was really fun to be out for the day. We also stopped in at a little restaurant and got some amazing burritos! The only sad part about Saturday was that it snowed. I guess winter still isn't over here haha. 
On Sunday night we had a fun video chat with our friend Nuru. He doesn't speak much English or French, mostly Swahili so we went back and forth reading Bible verses in Swahili and English. It was a fun time! Those were the main highlights of the week! We have plans this week to fill our biggest plastic container with 2 bags of avocados worth of guacamole and see if we can eat it all within our last week. It should be fun. Have a great week everyone! Love you! 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Last Zone Conference, Treasures from Walmart, Another great week...

Hey everyone! Another great week here! This week we had zone conference over zoom. It was my last zone conference so I gave my closing testimony. It was sad, but it was really cool to think back on my mission and all the things I have learned. My mission has changed my life. 
This week we recieved multiple referrals from people going on the church website and requesting to meet with us. That hasn't happened to me very often so it was really cool that it happened a few times this week! We have been talking a lot with the other missionaries in our zone and seeing how everyone is doing, we've also been doing FHE activities over messenger every Monday night and it's been super fun! Everyone in the zone is doing well and God's work is moving forward. 
I wanted to share a scripture and a quote I really liked this week. The quote is from Terrence M. Vinson. He said "Peace is not the absence of trouble, it is the presence of Christ". The scripture is 
1 Thessalonians 5:16 - go check it out! It's a good one! 
For pday today, Elder Scott and I did all of our shopping and the other things we needed to, then we went back to Walmart for fun. It's the only place that's open right now haha. We explored around for about an hour and ended up leaving with a half pound reeses peanut butter cup and a pack of 40 temporary tattoos. Life is good. Have a great week! Love you! 

Elder Tait 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Detained for a minute or two, Crazy transfers...

Hello everyone! This week we have been super busy with a bunch of different things! We had our zone conference last Wednesday over zoom. It went really well even though we couldn't be together in person. The next day we spent a long time cleaning out the apartment of an area that closed down in our zone. To clean the apartment we had to go from our house in Quebec across the river over to Ontario. We went there and everything was fine, but on the way back we got stopped by the police. They are stopping everyone that tries to enter Quebec and questioning them about what they are doing. They did not like our explanation, but after a few minutes of them talking to us we finally got back into Quebec and got home. We also spent a ton of time this week working on travel plans for transfers. This is going to be the craziest transfer ever in this mission. Almost every companionship in the mission is being changed, so creating the travel plans was a long process but we did it! Sadly my companion Elder Thacker will be getting transferred. General Conference was definitely the highlight of this week! A couple of my favorite quotes were "The Lord loves effort" and "we didn't come this far, just to come this far."
The restoration restored the truth that God still works in this world. Miracles are still happening wherever there is faith! Have a great week!

Love you!

Elder Tait

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We are limited, but God is not...

Hey everyone! Things are going well for us up here! This week Elder Thacker and I got a new companion named Elder Sorenson. He was training an elder from Germany who had to go back home, so we'll be in a trio until transfers next week. The work is still progressing forward! We had a really good week as a zone and it's awesome to see the miracles that are continuing to happen. Right now we are a little limited, but God is not. We're putting in the effort we can and he is making up the difference. I'm working on Swahili in language study and it's coming along, it's such a cool language! I've been studying a lot about virtue this transfer. Before, I never realized what exactly it means and why it's so important. Virtue is a prerequisite to having the spirit with us, so if we want to be in tune with the Holy Ghost we need to actively be thinking virtuous thoughts. Sometimes it's hard because letting your mind wander is easy and natural and so a lot of times that's what we want to do. As I've been studying I realized that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is about changing our desires, not changing our will power. Our desires have a big impact on our actions, so we need to make what we want the same as what God wants. It's a hard process but we can do it! There's a scripture in the Bible I really like. It says "anything is possible to those that believe". (Mark 9:23)
I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and it has been restored in its fulness. Have a great week everyone! Love you!

Elder Tait

We are limited, but God is not...

Hey everyone! Things are going well for us up here! This week Elder Thacker and I got a new companion named Elder Sorenson. He was training an elder from Germany who had to go back home, so we'll be in a trio until transfers next week. The work is still progressing forward! We had a really good week as a zone and it's awesome to see the miracles that are continuing to happen. Right now we are a little limited, but God is not. We're putting in the effort we can and he is making up the difference. I'm working on Swahili in language study and it's coming along, it's such a cool language! I've been studying a lot about virtue this transfer. Before, I never realized what exactly it means and why it's so important. Virtue is a prerequisite to having the spirit with us, so if we want to be in tune with the Holy Ghost we need to actively be thinking virtuous thoughts. Sometimes it's hard because letting your mind wander is easy and natural and so a lot of times that's what we want to do. As I've been studying I realized that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is about changing our desires, not changing our will power. Our desires have a big impact on our actions, so we need to make what we want the same as what God wants. It's a hard process but we can do it! There's a scripture in the Bible I really like. It says "anything is possible to those that believe". (Mark 9:23)
I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and it has been restored in its fulness. Have a great week everyone! Love you!

Elder Tait

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Quarantine Exchanges...

Hi everyone! This week was fun we did a couple exchanges (or at least we tried) over technology so that was an adventure.
I've been grinding in language study trying to learn Swahili and this week we taught a guy we found over Facebook using a mix between French, English and Swahili. He speaks a little French and English and we speak a little Swahili. Between all the languages we explained the Book of Mormon and showed him a video. He loved it! No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing! I love you all! Follow the prophet and have a great week!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Quarantine & This fun virus, Loved our a Sunday Meeting, Change of Plans...

Well this week has been the craziest of my mission for sure. I don't know if you all have heard, but there's a little virus going around. Haha just kidding I'm sure you've all heard! Starting today we are quarantined in our apartments. I'm part of the group being sent home after 21 months so I'll be home in May. It's really sad, but I know that everything happens for a reason.
Other than that this week has been awesome! We got go to Montreal for exchanges with the APs and it was super fun like always. There are so many people to talk to around Montreal! Since we've been back in our area the work has been progressing and we met some super cool people that we're hoping to meet with using technology the next couple of weeks.
To take the sacrament on Sunday we met at the Chapel with the sisters and our ward mission leader and his wife and also did a little testimony meeting. It was an amazing experience! It was really spiritual and I definitely will remember that day.
I know that God answers prayers. It's so amazing that the Spirit speaks to each of us individually. God knows you and loves you. I love you all! Make it a great week!


Elder Tait

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Exceedingly Astinished ...

Hey everyone! This week was great! We visited all the districts in the zone this week for district council and talked about using the tools we have been given to the fullest. We have so many tools we can use as missionaries to bless the lives of others, we just need to use them! We had a super good lesson this week with a lady we are teaching named Paula. She has so many good questions and she is willing to do the work to find answers. We had a member with us at the lesson and he and his wife were able to give Paula a ride to church on Sunday! The members were super excited to meet her and it seemed like she had a good experience. We have been doing a lot of finding and we've met tons of cool people! We send out tons of referrals to the other teams around the city and it's awesome to see them teach these people and help them progress! 
On Saturday night we were supposed to have a lesson with a family we're trying to teach. We showed up to their apartment and they were actually having a birthday party for the wife. They let us come in and join the party and it was sweet! We got to meet a bunch of their friends and some of them are interested in meeting up again. They gave us jellof rice and some other Nigerian food. It was a fun party! 
On Sunday night we were walking around downtown talking to people, just a normal night. We were walking down the sidewalk and there was a guy walking about 200 yards in front of us. All of a sudden he bent over to tie his shoe - at least that's what I thought. As we got closer we realized he wasn't tying his shoe. The man was pooping. For the second week in a row we were exceedingly astonished! I don't know why, but we've been seeing some weird things the last couple weeks. It provides some funny times though, haha! 
Yesterday we had a cool experience, we went to meet this lady at Tim Hortons and give her a Bible. She didn't end up coming, but as we were walking back to the car we were able to talk with this guy who has been trying to get a Bible, so we were able to give it to him! It's super cool to see how God works everything out for the good of his children! And it's so great to be a part of it! Have a great week! Love you! 

Elder Tait 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Inspiration and A Little Spill Down the Stairs...

Hey everyone! It was a great week here! We did a lot of finding and had some cool experiences and were able to find some interested people!
Last Wednesday we were in a neighborhood knocking on doors and talking with everyone, and it just didn't feel right. We made our way back to the truck and prayed. We felt like we needed to go to a different area so we traveled over there and there was nobody outside and started knocking on doors. As we were walking in between apartments we saw a guy waiting for a bus so we went and talked to him. He told us how he's heard about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and has been trying to research about it because he really wants to read it. We were able to give him a copy right there, and he was excited to read it and share it with other people! We were definitely led to him! We also had a similar experience last night where we were stopping by a member we didn't know, but on the way there we saw an apartment building that stuck out to us. We walked in the building and knocked on the first door we saw and the guy told us we were wasting our time in that building and closed the door. After he closed the door we felt inspired to go a couple floors up and knock on a certain door, so we went to the door we felt inspired and met this super cool guy! He had just been praying and was about to go to bed, but he let us come in for a little bit to share a quick message! In between the cool spiritual moments there were some funny ones too. We were walking down the stairs in an apartment building when all of a sudden, my leg gave out and I took a spill down a flight of stairs. I tried to get up fast so nobody would see, but Elder Thacker saw the whole thing. Luckily I was fine after the fall though! Missionary work is awesome! Have a great week! Love you all!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

An interesting lunch appointment, freezing rain & Transfers!!...

Hello everyone! It's transfer week again! I'll be staying here in Ottawa and getting a new companion, his name is Elder Thacker. I'm really excited to meet him and get things rolling here! 
Last week we got to do exchanges with the Gatineau elders and I was with Elder Johnson for the day. We had a ton of fun! We visited a member in their ward named Charles and had lunch with him. Charles is a very old man from the Congo and only understands French and Swahili so it was a very exciting experience! He had us make fufu for lunch. Fufu is an African meal that's a fun experience. I've heard it compared to edible play dough, but I guess all play dough is edible if you try hard enough. So we were in this guy's house working hard in the kitchen while he watched from his chair. We cooked a mountain of fufu. While we were stirring it a little piece hopped right out of the pot and onto the stove and before we knew it the kitchen was filled with smoke! The fire alarm started so I quickly grabbed a chair and a newspaper and fanned the alarm until it stopped, meanwhile elder Johnson kept the fufu alive and opened the window to let some fresh air in. All this time the member just calmly sat there and watched. Eventually we got everything taken care of and safely finished the fufu. When the fufu was done, Charles went in to his room and came back out with the finishing touch. Some kind of water serpent in a mystery sauce! He warmed it up in the microwave and then we all enjoyed some fufu and African mystery meat together. Definitely a meal appointment I will remember! That was the highlight of the week! 
The rest of the week was good too, we had a basketball activity at the church and it went really well! We also had a freezing rain storm come through on Sundayso church was really interesting. Not very many people came and the power was shaky throughout sacrament meeting. 
I hope you all have a great week! 

Love you!

Elder Tait

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Re: Put in the work & see for yourself...

Thanks for this message Elder Tait, it really resonated with me as the Bishop of our YSA Ward as I hear this all the time, "how can I know for my self". Your instruction in Alma on how to find out for our selves, through fasting, prayer, and putting in the work is a great lesson that I hope to share with my Ward the next time I have a teaching moment with them.  It sounds like you are having a rewarding mission and learning a lot about sacrifice and hard work. I know your parents are proud of you and the rest of the family as well.  Keep up the good work that you are doing, I promise you that it will be something you cherish the rest of your life.

We love you brother!
Uncle Jon

Jon S Tait

Cell: 801-301-3504

On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 8:17 PM Sheri Tait <> wrote:
Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great week and a Merry Christmas! Christmas here was super good we spent the day eating lots of food and visiting people who were alone it was awesome to be able to go and help some people feel God's love on Christmas. The next day we took a bus to Montreal for a meeting. We stayed the night in an apartment with 4 other elders it was a fun night! We had our meeting the next day and then hopped back on the bus back to Ottawa and we've been back here working since then! 

 I wanted to share a scripture I really liked this week it's Alma 5:45-46

 45 And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I know of these things myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety?
46 Behold, I say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me. 

Alma literally saw an angel, but when it came down to him knowing the truthfulness of the gospel he had to put in the work to fast and pray and he came to know the truth through the Holy Ghost. I haven't seen an angel like Alma, but I put in the work and received an answer by the Holy Ghost that the gospel is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth! Go try it out for yourself! Have a great week! 

Love you! 

Elder Tait

Friday, January 3, 2020

Put in the work & see for yourself...

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great week and a Merry Christmas! Christmas here was super good we spent the day eating lots of food and visiting people who were alone it was awesome to be able to go and help some people feel God's love on Christmas. The next day we took a bus to Montreal for a meeting. We stayed the night in an apartment with 4 other elders it was a fun night! We had our meeting the next day and then hopped back on the bus back to Ottawa and we've been back here working since then! 

 I wanted to share a scripture I really liked this week it's Alma 5:45-46

 45 And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I know of these things myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety?
46 Behold, I say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me. 

Alma literally saw an angel, but when it came down to him knowing the truthfulness of the gospel he had to put in the work to fast and pray and he came to know the truth through the Holy Ghost. I haven't seen an angel like Alma, but I put in the work and received an answer by the Holy Ghost that the gospel is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth! Go try it out for yourself! Have a great week! 

Love you! 

Elder Tait