Sunday, May 31, 2020

Mission Report - Zoom Fireside tonight

Hello everyone!! Elder Tait is home and doing well. Since there are no meetings at the church right now, we will be hearing a little bit about his mission tonight, at a fireside via zoom. The information is below if you'd like to join. Have a wonderful sabbath day. ❤️

Elder Conner Tait, who recently returned from his mission in Montreal, Canada, will be speaking to our ward via web conference tonight!!  Sunday, May 31st at 7:00 PM

We are excited to feel the Spirit as he shares some of his experiences in the mission field and his testimony with us. We invite everyone to join us for a wonderful evening focused on the Savior.

This meeting will be held under the direction of Bishop Osborne and should last around 30 minutes. You can join the devotional via Zoom web conference using the following information:

Meeting ID: 759 3290 8768
Password: 8vbJLm

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Hi everyone! I've been sitting here thinking about what to write, but it's really hard. It's hard to sum up 2 years of a mission in an email. My mission means everything to me. Over these last 21 months I've learned and grown more than ever before. Very early on I was pushed over my limits. My limit of work I could handle, the emotions, the knowledge I needed but didn't have. It was all too much for me. And it was probably one of the first times in my life where I didn't feel like I could do things myself. But, when I was pushed to and past my limits I had no choice but to rely on God. As that has happened, so many things have changed and I have experienced for myself the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His grace. I could go on for awhile, but in short, my mission has changed me forever and I'm so grateful for that! The progression of my ramen mirrors the progression of myself throughout my mission. In my first area I just microwaved the ramen and ate it. In my second area I started adding in some frozen vegetables when I boiled the noodles. When I got to my third area, I started putting an egg in with my ramen. And since I've been here, we've started using the ramen to create a stir fry with fresh vegetables and some meat. I didn't plan it like that, but that's how it happened haha. I'm eternally grateful for the many blessings I have in my life. The people I've met on my mission, all of you back home and so many other things and so many great experiences. I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. God is good and life is too! I Love you all! See ya soon! Love Elder Tait

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Teaching with technology, Traveling the zone...

Hello everybody! The work is picking up here! We are learning how to better find and teach using technology and it's going well! This week we put out a Bible ad on Facebook and so far we've had 35 people respond! It's been really cool because the people have been from all around the zone so we've been able to send referrals to all the different teams in the zone! We've been able to teach a couple of the people so far so it's been really good! 
On Saturday we took a trip around the zone and dropped supplies off to the different teams, it was really fun to be out for the day. We also stopped in at a little restaurant and got some amazing burritos! The only sad part about Saturday was that it snowed. I guess winter still isn't over here haha. 
On Sunday night we had a fun video chat with our friend Nuru. He doesn't speak much English or French, mostly Swahili so we went back and forth reading Bible verses in Swahili and English. It was a fun time! Those were the main highlights of the week! We have plans this week to fill our biggest plastic container with 2 bags of avocados worth of guacamole and see if we can eat it all within our last week. It should be fun. Have a great week everyone! Love you!