Saturday, August 11, 2018

Things are great in the MTC!!

Hey everyone it’s Elder Tait! Things are great here in the MTC! Wednesday was rough and one of the hardest days of my life but that night I prayed that I’d be able to feel better and settle in and everything is so much better now! 
My companion's name is Elder Atkins. He’s from Palmer,Alaska. He’s a cool guy and we’re becoming really good friends. He played basketball in high school so he’s pretty good. Last night we had our first exercise time and played basketball with our district. Me and elder Atkins were on the same team in 3 on 3 (dream team) and were the only good athletes in our district. He threw down a dunk when the people in charge weren’t watching which was cool. I didn’t want to get in trouble or I would have dunked ;) 
I’ve already learned so much in a super short time here. Tonight we’re already teaching a lesson. The guy we’re teaching is actually a teacher not an actual person to teach but still kinda cool. We prepared a 30 minute lesson which I never could have done before I got here. One big thing I’ve learned the first few days is that when you’re meeting a person to teach ask meaningful questions to get to know them. You have to love the people you are teaching or you won’t be guided by the spirit so we have been practicing just getting to know people. Its different to just walk up to a random person and talk to them. 
One funny story from last night - there’s a vending machine in our hall with ice cream and stuff. So elder Atkins bought one and his came out and another one hung on the edge. We shook the machine to try and make it fall but nothing happened. So then elder Boekweg our district leader bought one to try and get 2. There was like 8 elders in a tiny room trying to watch. The machine started and pushed one out and another one came to the edge but didn’t fall. We all laughed and were sad, but then this other elder came and bought one and by now there were probably 15 elders in the room to watch. The machine pushed his out and kept going and the extra one fell out! We were all super pumped. Kinda stupid but funny if you're in the MTC. 
The church is true talk to you next Saturday!

Love, Elder Tait

These are the pictures he sent - his district is made up of elders and sisters going to many different missions.  
Elder(s) Tait, Atkins - going to Halifax
Johnson, Smith, Boekweg & O'Very - going to Edmonton
Hilton, Schrank - going to Ventura California
Hansen, Dastrup - going to Zimbabwe 
Sister Wheeler and Peterson - going to Orlando.

He is on the same floor as his cousin Elder Jaxson Day and has seen his other cousin Elder Braxton Cutler a couple of times, so that's fun! 
He doesn't have a phone until he gets to Canada and buys one, but they gave him an iPad to use while in the MTC. He can read emails anytime and is able to respond on p-day. He also said that Brother and Sister Chestnut are in his branch presidency which is really exciting because they were the Mission President to his cousin Elder Tait Day in the Reno, Nevada mission and Tait loved them so much! In talking to the Chestnuts he gave him some great advice about two years not being as long if you don't focus on it like that. 
Today they have been to the temple, done some emailing and then got to go and play some frisbee, spike ball and get some exercise. The food is pretty good, he has eaten with Elder Hansen and also with Elder Duffin and that was fun. He writes in his journal more than he thought he would which is awesome so he can tell us about all his adventures and experiences. He sounds so great - said it was really hard the first day and has gotten better each day and he loves his district and is starting to love it in the MTC. I love P-day!!!! So great to be able to email and see pictures of what he is doing and to be reminded once again that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers. Have a great week everyone! 

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