Wednesday, October 17, 2018

New Companion, New Car, Meeting a Big Dog & Apartment Key Adventures

This was a super good week! I spent a couple days in Grand Falls with Elder Jones waiting for our new companions. I'm the designated driver this transfer so I'm the only one that can drive our car. I've already done lots of driving and have gained a testimony of Cruise control. I hadn't used it until now but it is life changing! I also have been trying to learn how to make balloon animals. I'm slowly getting better, I'm hoping to be able to make a pirate sword this week. 

Tuesday- we napped in the morning and then went over to the church and waited for our new car. When we got there we saw a bunch of yellow stains on the sidewalk. All of the eggs from our FHE activity were splattered across the sidewalk. We got some soap and water and scrubbed and scrubbed and finally got the cement clean. After that our car still hadn't been delivered so we were going to go to Gros Morne a national park here. Right as we were leaving we got a text and found out Elder Hatch was being transferred, so we ended up not going to Gros Morne. Later we got our new car and then went and got haircuts. The rest of the day was mostly just packing and emailing. That night we played clue for young mens and Elder Hatch said goodbye to Logen and Ethan. 

Wednesday- Elder Hatch and I got up and packed a couple last things, we went and he said bye to the Shenfields and then we drove to Grand Falls. When we got there he went with Elder Pitcher and they went to the airport and I stayed with elder Jones. Elder Jones and I got right to work, we did comp study and then visited a bunch of people and set up some lessons. We also visited a senior home. We talked to one lady for about 15 minutes, she kept telling us the same story so we just had the same conversation over and over. We finished the night knocking in a trailer park.

Thursday- in the morning we went to a town called Badger. Right when we got there we met a guy and helped him stack some wood. Then we knocked and visited some potentials. One house had a dog chained to the porch. It was a good sized dog and really loud and energetic. It was a person that was potentially interested so we had to try and talk to them. Elder Jones got it to come down and distracted it while I snuck behind the dog and knocked on the door. I knocked and waited and there was no answer, then I knocked again and still no answer. By that time the dog wasn't very interested in Elder Jones anymore and turned around and saw me and the chain was pretty long so it was around 10 feet away from me. It started running back to the porch at me so I jumped off the porch and ran the other way! I had to go around the whole yard but I made it out safely! Later that day we were going to teach a lesson but the lady we were going to teach was sick so we knocked around the neighborhood. That night we did some digital finding and to end the night we had a little nerf war.

Friday- We got up and ate breakfast and then our companions came! They came inside for a couple minutes and then Elder Call and I left. He's from Idaho Falls, Idaho and has been out for 17 months. We made the drive back to corner brook and went straight to the Shenfields house and ate and had a meeting with them. After the meeting we went to the church and Elder Call worked on the training plan because he's the district leader. It's his first time so it took a little bit. We went home and it was really cold outside. The apartment was locked and I had never asked which key we used to get in. We have 6 keys on the keychain so it had to be one of them. We stood in the cold for a solid 30 minutes trying every key at least 5 times and none of them worked. The lock on the door is broken so you have to try really hard to unlock it anyway and we also didn't know the key that should've worked. After 30 minutes we went to the car and prayed that we would know which key to try and that it would work to unlock the door. We got out and the first key I tried went right in and unlocked the door! It might seem like a stupid thing but it was a legit miracle! I had tried that key so many times and it would not even go in the lock. Prayers do get answers, and miracles happen if you have faith! Right after we got in I made sure to mark the apartment key lol. 

Saturday- Today we went to Stephenville. We went to the Rocky Beach and did comp study and then went over to a less active guy's house. He lives on welfare but he made us a turkey dinner and even sent us home with some leftovers! Really nice of him! We also taught him and a couple of his friends. Later we knocked on a few doors and then went back to Corner Brook. It was brother Sheppards 70th birthday party at the church so we went there for dinner. We ate and then they had a band come. They played some Newfie music and a bunch of people got up and did a jig. We left there and went to this art festival downtown to talk to people. 

Sunday- Sunday we had church and then went to the Butt's house and had lunch. After that we went to the senior center and sang hymns with them and I gave a talk. They were very disappointed we didn't have music for amazing grace. We'll have to get that for next time. After that we Skyped with the members in Labrador, the Whites. They are really cool! After dinner we did digital finding. 

Monday- in the morning we did call-ins. It was weird cause Elder Call was the guy doing call ins. After that we did weekly planning cause we didn't get to on Friday. After lunch we had a district comp study. Then we went knocking for awhile. That night we had FHE with Gillian and Robin a couple of members. We played telestrations it was really fun and there were lots of funny moments due to our bad drawing! 

It was a really good week! It feels good to have 1 transfer done! I'm excited for this new transfer! Hope you all have a great week! Love you all! 

Elder Tait

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