Thursday, January 10, 2019

Icicles, Blizzards & Knocking oh my!!!

Hi everyone! It was a good week and we worked hard. We did lots of knocking and met some interesting and some really nice people. Winter is here!

Wednesday- p day! We went around to the different stores and did some shopping and got some more cold weather gear. That night we had a lesson with Harold and Stephanie. We taught about fasting and about fast Sunday we got off topic a few times but it was still good. After that we had to go home for the last bit of the night because there was a blizzard.

Thursday- we got back to work today and knocked for most of the day. We also went to the senior home for bean bag toss again and Walt took another W. He is in midseason form right now it's an absolute privilege to watch such greatness! He may be the best bean bag tosser to ever walk the halls of Mountain View Retirement Center! That night we did some knocking in a trailer park. It was so cold that one of the doors we knocked on was frozen shut. The lady was pulling as hard as she could for like 15 seconds before it opened!

Friday- we had weekly planning and it took awhile. Later we went knocking and then tried to go to KFC for dinner, but apparently the entire city had the same coupon we did, because that place was packed! We went with subway instead. That night we had a lesson with Harold and Stephanie. It was super good! Harold told us about his experience praying about the Book of Mormon and the spirit was really strong!

Saturday- it was a full day of knocking! We were supposed to have a lesson, but it fell through so we had nothing today but knocking. One house we went to had one of the biggest icicles I've ever seen. I do't know how it hasn't taken the rain gutter off yet.

Sunday- it was a good day! Stephanie got up and bore her testimony during sacrament meeting it was awesome! After church we tried to go to a lesson but it fell through so we got to do more finding. After that we had a lesson with the members in Labrador over zoom and then had dinner with the Butts. That night we got let in by a husband and wife. The guy's dad used to be the chief of Newfoundland, so he told showed us a picture of him and we talked some more. He is a funny guy! We were talking about prophets and he started saying something. His wife quickly shut him down and was like "shut up Bernard that is prostitute not prophet" Haha we made sure he knew the difference by the time we left. They wrote down their address for us to send a postcard when I get home. They are some funny people!

Monday- we had call ins and then went and served at the Open Door Soup Kitchen. We shoveled a lot of snow because it was snowing and blowing hard. Later we had a member lesson and then dinner with the Sheppards. We then were shoveling for a member and felt like we should shovel her next door neighbor too. She poked her head out while we were shoveling and thanked us. She was really grateful and it was her birthday! After that we had FHE and played a game called codenames.

I'm glad I made it through this week without freezing! I'm hoping we'll get a lot more snow soon. Everyone we talk to has really hyped it up so my expectations are high! Congrats to Lindsey and Adam for getting engaged! Hope you all have a great week love you!

Elder Tait

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