Monday, November 25, 2019

Miles & Miles, Adventures on a “Spiritual High” for some...

Another crazy week! Lots of fun things going on! We took a road trip to Miramichi, had exchanges, slept over for a couple nights, and then drove to Caribou Maine for a district council. We gave a training about Beginning With the End in Mind. It went pretty well! On our exchange in Miramichi I went with Elder D'Eon to a native reservation. There's a bunch of black magic going there, but we were able to stay safe haha! We spent a ton of time in the car and got back to our area in time for more exchanges, this time in Moncton. The elder I was with and I had a grand old time running around in the rain and talking to people. We got soaked, but found a super cool dude standing in the rain. The next day we showed up to his apartment and he welcomed us in. We got in and there were 15 bros in there passing a few joints around. There was a thick cloud of smoke. We took the opportunity to teach about the Book of Mormon before we had to bounce. They loved us and wanted us to come back, but it wasn't the most spiritual environment. I'll write more next week!

Love you!

Elder Tait

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