Sunday, November 10, 2019

Traveling, meeting the new zine, busy week...

Hey Everyone! It was a fun week with lots of traveling! Wednesday we had our district council in Miramichi so we had a nice little road trip for that. It was fun to meet the new members of the district. Later, we came home, packed and ate some dinner and then went to the airport and flew to Montreal. The next day on Halloween we had MLC where we had some really good discussions and set a vision for our zone this transfer. After the meeting we stopped and got some amazing burritos before heading to the airport. Our flight got delayed and we didn't end up getting home until 1am, so waking up the next morning was a struggle. We were able to fight through it though and had a great day. We were able to have some good visits and get some planning done. That night we were out on the coast in a place called Shediac and as we were driving home we passed the biggest lobster I've ever seen so we stopped and got some pictures.
Time is short today and I didn't get to finish this, but I love you all! Have a great week! 


Elder Tait 

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